“You’re A Horrible Human” – Tonto Dikeh Slams Tunde Ednut Over VeryDarkman’s Release

Date: 11-01-2024 8:42 am (5 months ago) | Author: onuigbo felicia
- at 11-01-2024 08:42 AM (5 months ago)
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Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh has slammed blogger Tunde Ednut for sharing a video of activist, VeryDarkMan following his release from police custody.

Gistmania recalls that Tonto Dikeh had shared a photo of VeryDarkMan at the police station, as he was invited over allegations of cyberbullying related to the controversy trailing the death of late singer, Mohbad.

Sharing the photo on her Instagram story, the actress bragged that when a child believe they are grown enough to talk to elders, one should not engage but rather act.

However, VeryDarkMan regained his freedom on Wednesday night and shared a video of himself dancing and taunting Tonto Dikeh, claiming that smoke cannot be caught.

Tunde Ednut took to his Instagram page to announce VeryDarkMan’s release from police custody, attaching a video of the activist dancing in jubilation.

This move did not sit well with Tonto Dikeh, who blasted the blogger for his actions, reminding him of how he seeks reposts when his Instagram account faces suspension.

Tonto Dikeh labeled Tunde Ednut as a horrible human for aligning himself with VeryDarkMan, who had previously used derogatory language against her.

She expressed her intent to be present when others insult Tunde’s family, accusing them of various offenses, and promised to meet him where he would need her the most.

Tonto Dikeh wrote, “@mazitundeednut Tunde I’ll be here when some calls your mom a sI@T and all I’m gonno do is laugh, I’ll be here when Someone accuses your mother of doing thre@some with your mother and I’ll also laugh. I’ll be here when they insult your unborn children and I’ll laugh, I’ll be here when they accuse you of theft and I WILL BE HERE TO LAUGH..

“EveryTime your page comes down you come crawling like a baby to help you lost but here you are daily fuzking shit up… Tunde we will meet in front where you will need me the most…You are a horrible human Tunde edunt….”

See Her Post Below:

Posted: at 11-01-2024 08:42 AM (5 months ago) | Addicted Hero
- wolefafo at 11-01-2024 09:50 AM (5 months ago)
Posted: at 11-01-2024 09:50 AM (5 months ago) | Gistmaniac
- gogoman at 11-01-2024 03:09 PM (5 months ago)
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women are very evil in nature  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 11-01-2024 03:09 PM (5 months ago) | Grande Master