"I Can Never Act Nood For Money" – Curvaceous Actress, Caroline Igben

Date: 06-02-2022 7:56 pm (2 years ago) | Author: Mister Jay Wonder
- at 6-02-2022 07:56 PM (2 years ago)

For Caroline Igben, the black and beautiful Nollywood actress, there are certain roles she would not be caught playing irrespective of the amount of money involved.

The movie star in a recent encounter with Saturday Sun stated that her voice is her unique selling point aside from her knack for role interpretation.

“My voice and the way I speak are my unique selling points, and I can never take a role on nudity regardless the pay. I’ll accept a role if it’s a script I can execute and relate to,” she said.

The curvaceous Igben, who boasts of right curves in the right places, sees nothing wrong with her colleagues going under the knife to have her kind of body. But, according to her, she’s not a fan of liposuction.

“I know liposuction is the new trend, but I am never going to have my body done to look perfect. My body is perfect already. I do not judge those who do it (liposuction), I think the nicely done ones are beautiful but it’s not for me. But then never say never! Even if I get someone to sponsor the surgery, the important thing is if it’s something I want, and for now it is a no-no for me,” she affirmed.

Posted: at 6-02-2022 07:56 PM (2 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Eyioke at 6-02-2022 08:57 PM (2 years ago)
What is the difference between nudity and this your half nakedness that bring out your Bosom ? U are not serious
Posted: at 6-02-2022 08:57 PM (2 years ago) | Upcoming
- gogoman at 6-02-2022 10:20 PM (2 years ago)
Online (m)
we have seen it all caroline!!!! only a fool will still pay u to see more  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 6-02-2022 10:20 PM (2 years ago) | Grande Master
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Posted: at 6-02-2022 10:30 PM (2 years ago) | Newbie
- felicilin at 7-02-2022 04:55 AM (2 years ago)
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Posted: at 7-02-2022 04:55 AM (2 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Ejike2 at 7-02-2022 10:02 AM (2 years ago)
are you not naked as you are looking now
Posted: at 7-02-2022 10:02 AM (2 years ago) | Newbie
- constigoldo at 7-02-2022 11:32 AM (2 years ago)
You have started already by exposing your cleavage.
Posted: at 7-02-2022 11:32 AM (2 years ago) | Hero