A Letter To White Women - 7 Things You Should Know About Black Men (Page 3)

Date: 24-12-2009 2:14 am (14 years ago) | Author: Chigozie Onyema
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- Kennee at 31-12-2009 12:06 AM (14 years ago)
Na Pass l dey ooo

Posted: at 31-12-2009 12:06 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- diplomatik at 31-12-2009 12:07 AM (14 years ago)
 Kiss Kiss Tongue

Posted: at 31-12-2009 12:07 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- queenjacky at 31-12-2009 08:53 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: CILondon on 30-12-2009 11:59 PM
Just because you may not agree with an article doesn't mean you should start using foul language. That's just immature.

can u see what u was posting that is foolish how can u say that all of them like that  u must hate white girls that s all   some people are like this   but there is also many guys that are different   and even if somebody is ugly i have seen also many blacks that are married to ugly black girls so what is the different between ugly white girl and ugly black girl i dont see any different 
Posted: at 31-12-2009 08:53 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- Akpan01 at 31-12-2009 01:00 PM (14 years ago)
this topic is compatly...s..t

Posted: at 31-12-2009 01:00 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
- Recoverd at 2-01-2010 12:16 AM (14 years ago)
My sister, work of an idle mind. Real devils workshop na im she be.
Posted: at 2-01-2010 12:16 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ishola1000 at 2-01-2010 12:31 AM (14 years ago)
 Wink Wink
Posted: at 2-01-2010 12:31 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- CILondon at 2-01-2010 08:05 PM (14 years ago)
I thought the article was funny even though it did stereotype a bit too much - Black women will read it and laugh and Black men who date white women probably won't find it funny at all.LOL
Posted: at 2-01-2010 08:05 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- CILondon at 3-01-2010 03:52 PM (14 years ago)
it is a funny article but perhaps the writer wrote it with tongue in cheek
Posted: at 3-01-2010 03:52 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- dolphinkate at 4-01-2010 02:55 AM (14 years ago)
Just because you may not agree with an article doesn't mean you should start using foul language. That's just immature.
Poster, why accusing me of using "foul language" ? Maybe it´s u, who does not understand british english. Is u, which is speechless now cause u dont know, what u r writing self. Ur article is not funny, but stupid. U tried to put negative stamp on black & white - relationships in general. What is ur problem with black and white? We all r human beeings with different characters and beauties. Remove ur troublesome attitudes of racism, hatred, prejudging, brandmarking and jeaulousy! Then u will find and get ur own black dream man one day.
Posted: at 4-01-2010 02:55 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- tubmann at 7-01-2010 12:43 PM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 7-01-2010 12:43 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Akpan01 at 7-01-2010 12:44 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: Recoverd on  2-01-2010 12:16 AM
My sister, work of an idle mind. Real devils workshop na im she be.
m missin u my dear :'( :'(

Posted: at 7-01-2010 12:44 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
- luvvy at 7-01-2010 12:53 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: CILondon on 24-12-2009 02:14 AM
A Letter To White Women.

These are the 7 Things that White Women should know before going near any black man.

A word is enough for the wise!

Dear White Lady,

Have you had a black man smiling at you lately? You know, that sort of smile that tells you he is “interested”? Has he been hovering around you lately, looking for ways to “accidentally” bump into you everywhere – at the supermarket, at the petrol pump, at the cinema?

More to the point, are you interested too? Are you thinking about taking him up on his offer and starting something between the two of you? In that case, before you proceed, here are 7 things you should know about Black Men:

Are you overweight? You’re probably not very attractive and this would explain why he is hitting on you. You see, Black Men can’t get the Sexiest White Girls – they don’t want him so he makes do with whatever White Woman he can get which is the overweight, unattractive sort. He can’t get the Quality White Girls that come from a good family background – because they don’t want him either.
The Black Man has much lower standards/requirements for White Women than he has for Black Women. With a Black Woman, he wants a Black Beauty Queen with a Phd and a six figure salary, but with a White Woman, he’ll take whatever he can get and be grateful for it. When he dates a Black Women, he feels he is doing her a favour but when he dates a White Woman, he feels she is doing him a favour.

Unfortunately, most Brothas, with the exception of Obama (Our Great and Fearless Leader) have screwed up spectacularly – high incarcerations rates, high College drop-out rates, unemployment, illiteracy, low rates of home ownership, low rates of business ownership – the list goes on. So the only thing he has to boast about is the thing between his legs and how good he thinks he is at using it. And he will boast, and boast and boast.
White Woman, when he starts boasting, please don’t interrupt him. Be kind enough to let him boast – it’s all he’s got.

There is a belief held in Black Male circles that White Women are more submissive and more tolerant of misbehaviour than Black Women. The view is that Black Women won’t put up with nonsense but the White woman is more pliable and will cook, clean , fetch and carry for a man. This belief (fact or fiction) is very likely part of the reason why he is checking you out and it brings me nicely to my next point.

You probably won’t be his only woman. Part of the reason why Black Men like White Women is because they believe they can get away with cheating on her whereas a Black Woman would knock your lights out if you did that to her. But this belief is not always accurate as Tiger Woods has learned to his cost. White Girls can strike back too! (CLICK HERE FOR LINK).

This also stems from my previous point about Black Men believing White Women are a pushover. Be on your guard as he will try and take financial advantage of you. He will try and use your car as his own, never paying a penny towards petrol, insurance and other running costs. He will use your cell phone like its free water, and don’t let him any where near your credit cards! In fact hide your wallet – unless you don’t mind him maxing out your cards.

Don’t expect to be wined and dined at fine upmarket restaurants – prepare your yourself for the local fried chicken shop – and even then you’ll have to pay (for both of you). That’s assuming he takes you anywhere, he might not want to be seen out with you. But I’ll return to that later.

There is another widely held view amongst Black Males that White Women will do anything – anything! in bed. Things that he would not dare ask a Black Woman for fear of getting his face slapped. I’m not saying it’s true that White Women are like this, but there is this generally held belief amongst Black Men that White Women are that way. So please be on your guard and ready to punch his lights out if he starts making unreasonable segxwal requests of you.

His Mother and Sisters will FLIP if they find out he is dating a White Woman. If he has done it before, they will still react badly when he does it again – with you this time. Black Women are not particularly pleased to see Black Men falling over themselves to date White Women or Latina Women as if White/Latina Women are made of pure gold. It irritates Black Women and they feel slighted/rejected by it but a lot of Black Women have learned to be outwardly cool about it  - they do not react when they see Black Men dating White Women. But when that Black Man happens to be a member of their family – like their Son or their Brother – THEN THAT’S A WHOLE DIFFERENT BALL GAME!!! Expect the Black Women concerned to FLIP BIG TIME!

The Black Man, in order to avoid the stress and drama of his Mama and Sisters, is simply going to hide you from the Family and probably hide you from everyone else, in case they tell his Family. Don’t expect to be going out often with him – unless you’re willing to travel fifty miles out of town. Expect to spend a lot of time indoors, alone with him, in your house – most likely in your bed, if he has his way.

I know I said this would be 7 points but while I was writing another point occurred to me so it really is now 8 points rather than 7.

He is making do with you until a slightly prettier, slightly slimmer white woman comes along. She won’t be much prettier or slimmer than you, only slightly, because remember The Sexiest White Girls Don’t Want Black Men – and so he makes do with whatever White Woman he can get – that’s why he’s with you!

When that slightly prettier, slightly slimmer White Woman comes along, I’m afraid you are history.

Whatever you do, use protection, so you don’t catch any STDs (I wouldn’t even advise you to sleep with him at all, just date him and nothing more. That will teach him to think White Women are easy).

Whatever you do, don’t get pregnant (again, like I said, I wouldn’t advise you to even sleep with him at all) or else you’ll be raising a mixed race baby on your own, and then White Men WILL NEVER WANT YOU, even if you do manage to slim down and lose weight one day.

I know this article is controversial and even shocking, but it is true. And please don’t accuse me of racism, the only thing I am guilty of is honesty.

I write it to warn you and protect you from the pitfalls involved in dating Black Men. As a fellow woman I have a duty to look out for other women, whatever colour she may be. Black Men will probably hate me for writing this – I don’t care – but White Women should thank me.

From one Black Woman to all the White Women out there, Take care and I wish you well.



“Black Women, Stop Wasting All Your Money On Your Hair”

How Do Our Black Sistas Compare With Women Of Other Races? by Astute Male Observer.

“Why I’m glad Tiger doesn’t like Black Women” by Astute Female Observer

“Stop It, White People!” Why do White People Make Fun Of the Way Black People Speak?

Driving While Black – How To Deal With Police Stops.

Why Can’t Black Men And Black Women Get Along?

Is The Law More Lenient With White People Than Blacks?

Why are Black British So Disorganised Compared To African Americans?

“I Cross The Road To Avoid Nigerian Men – Why Do They Have Such Poor Social Skills?”

Africa – The Last Stand against Homosegxwality?

see this stupid man saying a WORD is enough for a WISE.....is this A WORD?
Posted: at 7-01-2010 12:53 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Akpan01 at 7-01-2010 12:55 PM (14 years ago)
WTF is this???

Posted: at 7-01-2010 12:55 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
- truenaija2 at 11-10-2010 10:25 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: queenjacky on 31-12-2009 08:53 AM
Quote from: CILondon on 30-12-2009 11:59 PM
Just because you may not agree with an article doesn't mean you should start using foul language. That's just immature.

can u see what u was posting that is foolish how can u say that all of them like that  u must hate white girls that s all   some people are like this   but there is also many guys that are different   and even if somebody is ugly i have seen also many blacks that are married to ugly black girls so what is the different between ugly white girl and ugly black girl i dont see any different 

i like u very much and i think white girls are really naturally beautiful they dont need extensions of hair to have beautiful long hairs but my point is the poster is saying the thruth i
have lots of friends dat are married to whites and
r married to blacks whites will not love to accept it but we know where we come from better than u so i cant tell u about europeans  but i can tell u about blacks and u can trust me i will b right i am married to a white guy i tell him a lot about nigeria but he didnt believe me till he had his own experiences, it may be hard to believe but its true
Posted: at 11-10-2010 10:25 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Sheenor at 12-10-2010 07:49 AM (13 years ago)
yeah datz tru!

Posted: at 12-10-2010 07:49 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- mydicksweet at 12-10-2010 07:55 AM (13 years ago)
What's up with all this bullshit hun?Huh??WHY THE phyuk did this phyuking poster even bring such an irritative post here......all i can smell here is anger.hatred.jealousy.racism enought of this crap plz.....i'm so phyuking angry reading this phyuking useless post one thing i hate to here in my life is RACISM phyuk.....God created us in his own imagine i dont know why the phyuk some people think that they are better than other's hun?the person that wrote this topic is the biggest fool i've ever seen in my entire life i mean look at the first two page of ur post BLACK MEN cant get real young and prettier white lady that's why they go 4 the overweight a message for u poster believe me if i have my way i repeat if have my way to whoever wrote this believe me i will waste his or her breath......phyuk U.....U DONT DESERVE TO LIVE
Posted: at 12-10-2010 07:55 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- peaceben at 12-10-2010 07:58 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 12-10-2010 07:58 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- sixtyhoney at 12-10-2010 09:13 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: mydicksweet on 12-10-2010 07:55 AM
What's up with all this bullshit hun?Huh??WHY THE ***** did this *****ing poster even bring such an irritative post here......all i can smell here is anger.hatred.jealousy.racism enought of this crap plz.....i'm so *****ing angry reading this *****ing useless post one thing i hate to here in my life is RACISM *****.....God created us in his own imagine i dont know why the ***** some people think that they are better than other's hun?the person that wrote this topic is the biggest fool i've ever seen in my entire life i mean look at the first two page of ur post BLACK MEN cant get real young and prettier white lady that's why they go 4 the overweight a message for u poster believe me if i have my way i repeat if have my way to whoever wrote this believe me i will waste his or her breath......***** U.....U DONT DESERVE TO LIVE
don't mind the useless poster with senseless post hissssssssssssssssss
Posted: at 12-10-2010 09:13 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- xter at 12-10-2010 12:34 PM (13 years ago)
Wat a senseless and racist post(er)

Posted: at 12-10-2010 12:34 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- daywalkerX at 12-10-2010 02:13 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: just2sexy on 24-12-2009 02:41 AM
Exactly, abeg where admin dey?
admin dey this site?
Posted: at 12-10-2010 02:13 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
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