Is yar'adua sincerely commited to solving the Niger/delta crisis? (Page 2)

Date: 04-07-2008 11:41 pm (15 years ago) | Author: FORTUNE A
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- keveen at 1-10-2008 11:15 AM (15 years ago)
Why not? he's created the Niger-Delta Ministry...I think this is a sincerely approach to the solutions of the region!

Posted: at 1-10-2008 11:15 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Godsson at 1-10-2008 01:07 PM (15 years ago)
The Ministry of Niger Delta is not a one-size-fit-all solution to the crisis.The sincere and true solution will only come when the following is done:

1.Convening of a true sovereign National Conference to discuss the National questions(unresolved internal contradictions in the Nigerian social formation)Nigeria,as it is now,is a forced marriage.We must renegotiate the terms of this marriage.We cannot continue to pretend that all is well with a state that has being called "a mere geographical expression" by one of it's founders(Awolowo),

2.A true federal & people's Constitution(Fiscal federalism),

3.An abrogation of all the obnoxious laws controlling the Nigerian oil Industry(Petroleum Act 1969,Law Use act,1976,Inland Revenue Act,etc)

4.A stop of all forms of ethnic based political domination & internal colonialism,&

5.the encouragement & support of a new patriotic,honest,productive& disciplined elite in the Niger Delta(The act of choosing corrupt politicians from Abuja to rule the region is part of the crisis)The region need a new set of political class that are highly anthropocentric in their approach to governance.Not these khakistocratic kleptocrats that have over the years connived with their patrons cum friends in the Nigerian central petit-bourgeoisie to expropriate & exploit their own people & ethnic homelands.   

Until these and other sincere measures are taken,20 ministries of Niger delta wont change the fundamental ingredients of the Niger Delta problematic.All these are mere cosmetic measures.
Posted: at 1-10-2008 01:07 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- zie85er at 9-10-2008 12:35 AM (15 years ago)
@ Godsson...
ur number 1..i thought dat was wat obj did during his regime
ur number 2...will help i think,..
ur number 3....dat'll cause confusion as to who own wat in dis country
ur number almost impossible
ur number 5... is myth

Posted: at 9-10-2008 12:35 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
- Godsson at 9-10-2008 09:13 PM (15 years ago)
OBJ did not do that.His was a Political reform Conference & not a Sovereign National Conference.These are 2 diff things.

My No.3 would not cause any confusion.That was the situation in the country until Oil was found in the ethnic homelands of Ethno-political minorities.

No.4 & 5 are possible.They will only be impossible if the Nigerian state is not ready to sincerely develop the Niger delta; & peace.
Posted: at 9-10-2008 09:13 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- Godsson at 14-11-2008 03:54 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: Godsson on  1-10-2008 01:07 PM
The Ministry of Niger Delta is not a one-size-fit-all solution to the crisis.The sincere and true solution will only come when the following is done:

1.Convening of a true sovereign National Conference to discuss the National questions(unresolved internal contradictions in the Nigerian social formation)Nigeria,as it is now,is a forced marriage.We must renegotiate the terms of this marriage.We cannot continue to pretend that all is well with a state that has being called "a mere geographical expression" by one of it's founders(Awolowo),

2.A true federal & people's Constitution(Fiscal federalism),

3.An abrogation of all the obnoxious laws controlling the Nigerian oil Industry(Petroleum Act 1969,Law Use act,1976,Inland Revenue Act,etc)

4.A stop of all forms of ethnic based political domination & internal colonialism,&

5.the encouragement & support of a new patriotic,honest,productive& disciplined elite in the Niger Delta(The act of choosing corrupt politicians from Abuja to rule the region is part of the crisis)The region need a new set of political class that are highly anthropocentric in their approach to governance.Not these khakistocratic kleptocrats that have over the years connived with their patrons cum friends in the Nigerian central petit-bourgeoisie to expropriate & exploit their own people & ethnic homelands.   

Until these and other sincere measures are taken,20 ministries of Niger delta wont change the fundamental ingredients of the Niger Delta problematic.All these are mere cosmetic measures.

I must add that to achieve most of the things I talked about above,the need for a new,truly people oriented Federal Constitution cannot be over-emphasized..Without it,all of the others will be very difficult,if not impossible to attain.
Posted: at 14-11-2008 03:54 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- Godsson at 23-11-2008 01:52 PM (15 years ago)
With the present existential realities in this country now,I dare say,the answer is a resounding NO!He's not ready or sincere enough to resolve the crisis.
Posted: at 23-11-2008 01:52 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- follyjay at 26-11-2008 12:04 PM (15 years ago)
Who is Yar adua i dont need an answer because everyone knows that is the president but regarding the post he is today if at all he his ready to solve the problems in nigeria guys should not forget that we did not elect him because we the citizens of nigeria our votes does not  count so let be serious with ourself if at all he has plans, does that elected him in to that post wont allow him fulfil his promise because of they are all after sharing the national cake which we the citizens work for...dont forget we practise a rigidy electroral system of government in Nigeria
Posted: at 26-11-2008 12:04 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Godsson at 5-12-2008 10:44 PM (15 years ago)
Well the proposed 2009 Appropriation Bill sent to the National Assemble during the week has helped proof my argument that Yar'Adua like his predecessors is only paying lip service to the development of the Niger Delta Region & the resolution of the Crisis.
According Thisday Newspaper of 3/12/2009,"Allocations to the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) and Ministry of Niger Delta in the Federal Government Appropriation Bill were yesterday rejected by some leaders from the region who described them as inadequate and unrealistic.
They said the budget was particularly ridiculous considering the fact that money allocated to the NDDC previously was never released to the agency and that the government defaulted in the payment to the tune of N300 billion.
President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, while presenting the 2009 Appropriation Bill to the National Assembly on Tuesday, announced N27 billion and N50 billion for the NDDC and the new ministry, respectively.
Former information minister, Chief Edwin Clark, said the provisions for the Niger Delta via the two development agencies were most unexpected as they fell grossly below all expectations.
The were similar reactions from the facilitator of the Niger Delta Democratic Union, Mr. Akpo Mudiaga-Odje, as well as the National Coordinator, Ijaw Monitoring Group, Chief Joseph Evah"

As U all can see,that amount cannot do anything given the terrain of the Niger Delta & the price of materials now.Also,a President that is ready to develop the area will not withhold funding to the NDDC.

Posted: at 5-12-2008 10:44 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- makanzy at 8-12-2008 01:45 PM (15 years ago)
the current president in my opinion is a good man but he does not have what it takes to rule a complicated and diverse country like naija. The man is confused
Posted: at 8-12-2008 01:45 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- donpokka at 8-12-2008 08:16 PM (15 years ago)
Posted: at 8-12-2008 08:16 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- donjc at 10-12-2008 02:56 AM (15 years ago)
IT was another heated session when parliamentarians gathered last week at the Lawanson Bus-stop to debate how President Umaru Yar’Adua has fared with his economic blue-print, the Seven Point Agenda as well as the Vision 2020. It all began when a parliamentarian, Frank Imariere, decried what he described as the ’worsening condition of living’ in Nigeria.
‘It looks as if it is everyday that things are becoming very difficult in this country. The worsening condition of living we experience everyday shows that this Yar’Adua government is not really working.

Although the man talks and behaves as if he means well, but what is presently on the ground does not give anybody the confidence to say he is succeeding after over one year in office,’ he observed with dissatisfaction.

Parliamentarian Tony Amadi took it up from there. ‘Yes, the situation in Nigeria presently does not call for celebration or commendation.

Honestly, one expected that Nigerians should, by now, have started reaping the fruits of Yar’Adua’s Seven Point Agenda and his Vision 2020.

Personally, I think a year is long enough for us to start enjoying the dividends of democracy under his administration.

But that is not the case if one is to  assess his performance in office. So, if after one year, we still have nothing to show for it by way of an improvement in the living condition of Nigerians, it is either that the man is not capable of ruling us at this time or his Seven Point Agenda is faulty.

And if his economic policy is faulty, it only means he has to change it fast instead of waiting for the Nigerian economy to collapse before doing anything about it,’ he stated with feeing.

But parliamentarian Abdul Farouk could not understand the fuss being raised over the President’s performance so far. ‘When you said the President has not performed, what exactly do you mean? You’re not specific on how he has failed to perform for us to understand how he has failed.

Is it in the area of the economy, which he is still rebuilding after all the years that it was allowed to collapse?

Or, is it in the area of politics which he has set up a body to reform the electoral process so that Nigerians can have more confidence in the way elections are conducted in this country in the future. Please tell me,’ he challenged.

Tony was quick to respond to this as he said: ‘Look around you today and tell me what is working in this country. Is it the regular power supply he promised us by declaring an emergency in the power sector? Are you not aware that the power situation has worsened since he came into office? Are we to talk of the roads?

Almost all the federal roads, especially in the South-South and South East are no longer motorable. Are you not also aware that the prices of foodstuff and other essential items that people need to survive have been hitting the roofs in spite of all the money we have been making  from the sale of crude oil?

Apart from that, everyday you open the newspapers or put on the radio or TV, what do you see?  Crises everywhere.

Even the kidnapping that started in the Niger Delta that was targeted at oyibo people has spread to other parts of the country and nobody feels safe because the Police has not been able to do anything to arrest the perpetrators. So, is that the signs of a government that is working?’

Before Abdul could respond to this, Parliamentarian Ken Onuoha had come to his aid. ‘Look, my brother, the situation you have just described cannot be blamed on Yar’Adua. Those problems have been there for long and he is just slightly over one year in office.

These problems are structural and they will take time to be tackled effectively. I think that’s what he’s trying to do with his Seven Point Agenda and the Vision 2020. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.

The kind of problems we’re talking about do not require short term solutions but long term solutions. Somebody suffering from ordinary headache will be right to just take paracetamol or panadol.

But if a test proves that the problem originates from an attack of malaria or typhoid fever, then he has no choice but to go for full treatment which may take a longer time to accomplish.

That is how it’s with the problems that affect a country like Nigeria ,’ he submitted with conviction.
But, both Tony and Frank were not impressed by this submission and expressed opposition to it.

‘What you have just said is nothing but a lame excuse in the context of the situation of things in the country under Yar’Adua.

As a President, Yar’Adua should know without being told that he was elected into office to find solutions to our problems as quickly as possible,’ began Tony in a reprimanding tone. Continuing, he said: ‘We did not elect him to spend years in office experimenting on how to solve our problems.

Abeg, we Nigerians have suffered for too long; we need a respite; we need immediate implementation of programmes that will impact positively on our lives so that we can begin to live like other people in other parts of the world’.

Ken, however, has an appropriate response to this. “If you think Yar’Adua is not aware of these problems, why do you think he just reshuffled his cabinet? The man wants to deliver on his electoral promises and is doing his best to make this possible.

It’s just that we Nigerians are usually impatient; we want solution to every problem in a twinkling of an eye without bothering to find out what is behind the problem in question. We also forget that as a government is trying to find solution to the problems in the country, some people are busy trying to sabotage its efforts because of their selfist interest.

So, we should give Yar’Adua time to sort things out for us instead of criticising him unnecessarily,” he argued with feeling.

But Tony and Frank still refused to buy into his argument and so the debate continued
Posted: at 10-12-2008 02:56 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Godsson at 24-01-2009 09:52 PM (15 years ago)
Donjc! I presume from the foregoing,it is clear that yar'Adua has no vision.Thus,has not done anything to solve the Niger Delta Crisis.He also lacks sincerity of purpose.
Posted: at 24-01-2009 09:52 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- lonelyzeal at 12-02-2009 11:49 PM (15 years ago)
Sincere?Does that man look sincere to you.He is anything but sincere.He is here to implement a Northern Agenda.Anybody that thinks that Yar'Adua wants to solve the Niger Delta Crisis is just naive.
Posted: at 12-02-2009 11:49 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- rbest at 6-03-2009 02:59 PM (15 years ago)
He is commited we agree, but he is too slow, his ill health is really affecting mr president drastically cos recently its his deputy that is representing him in most  of the public functions. I pary he will be strong soon so he will act fast and take us to promise land.
Posted: at 6-03-2009 02:59 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Godsson at 8-03-2009 11:44 PM (15 years ago)
Yar'Adua is not committed.He is a man without any vision.So,I should not ve asked this question in the first place.U need vision to be committed to anything.This president is Blind,deaf & dumb.So asking commitment of him is asking too much.If they asked U who said that,feel free to quote me.
Posted: at 8-03-2009 11:44 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- meczytimber at 10-03-2009 11:18 PM (15 years ago)
i don dey tire for our presido o

Posted: at 10-03-2009 11:18 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Godsson at 2-04-2009 09:50 PM (15 years ago)
I said it a long time ago. This hypocrite call Yar'Adua is not sincere enough to solve the Problems in the delta. Read this report from Today's THISDAY.

N’Delta Protests NNPC, PTDF Appointments
From Patrick Ugeh and Juliana Taiwo in Abuja, 04.01.2009


Niger Delta elders, under the aegis of the Delta State Oil and Gas Producing Areas Leaders’ Forum (DESOGAPLEF), were at the Presidential Villa yesterday to protest the recent appointments into the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) and the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Speaking on behalf of the delegation, Chief G.E. Mabiaku commended the Federal Government over the appointment of Elder Godsday Orubebe, who accompanied the delegation on the visit, as one of the Niger Delta ministers but said DESOGAPLEF was committed to promoting the interests and wellbeing of people living in oil and gas producing communities.
He said the group was seeking audience with President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua through Jonathan, "being a son of the Niger Delta", to hold discussions over recent appointments in the oil sector particularly the NNPC and PTDF, the implementation of the Niger Delta Technical Committee Report, step-down of the IPP at Okpai in Ndokwa East LGA of Delta State, the need for urgent construction and rehabilitation of federal roads in Delta State, among other issues, which had been presented previously to the President.
The appointment of Alhaji Mohammed Sanusi Barkindo as the Group Managing Director (GMD) of NNPC by Yar'Adua had caused ripples amongst the South-South leaders.
Barkindo, until his appointment, was the group executive director of the NNPC in charge of special projects. He replaced another northerner, Alhaji Abubakar Yar'Adua, who was the acting GMD of the corporation for about two years.
The agitation from the region had been that of disappointment over why Yar'Adua would appoint another northerner as NNPC GMD after his appointment of Alhaji Rilwan Lukman as energy minister.
They insist that the President's action smacks lack of commitment in addressing the imbalance in the region.
Also the appointment of Katsina State-born Muttaqha Rabe Darma as the Executive Secretary (ES) of the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) has raised new concerns over the continuous dominance of the Fund by elements from the same section of the country.
He succeeded Alhaji Kabir Mohammed as the fifth northerner in succession to occupy the exalted position.
Before him, there had been Alhaji Yusuf Hamisu (Mairago) from Kaduna who was ES from 2000 until 2005 when he resigned to contest the governorship of Kaduna State and was succeeded by his kinsman and former local government chairman, Alhaji Mohammed Husaini Jallo, who had a short but controversial tenure.
Alhaji Adamu Maina Waziri replaced Alhaji Jallo and was in the position until 2006 when the immediate past ES, Alhaji Mohammed was appointed to take over from him.
The DESOGAPLEF delegation said they were worried over the failure to appoint Niger Delta indigenes to head the agency since their establishment.
In his response, Jonathan restated the commitment of the Yar’Adua’s Administration to assuaging the problems of people in the Niger Delta region.
He  said shared the concerns of the Niger Delta people, describing the delegation as powerful, comprising leaders and elders from five different ethnic groups from Delta State and noting that some of them had been part of the effort to put together the report of the Ledum Mitee-led Niger Delta Technical Committee.
Other members of the delegation include, Chairman Itsekiri Ethnic Nationality, Senator F.S. Okpozo, Isoko Ethnic Nationality, Hon. Justice J.A. Obi, Ndokwa Ethnic Nationality, Hon. Chief Peter Kpogban, Urhobo Ethnic Nationality and Chief E.E. Ebimami, Ijaw Ethnic Nationality.
Meanwhile, Darma has disclosed how the disturbances in the Niger Delta are negatively affecting projects earmarked for some communities there.
These projects include completion of the National Technical Institute for Oil and Gas, Bonny Island, Rivers State; establishment of Federal Polytechnic for Oil and Gas at Ekowe, Bayelsa State; and development of infrastructure for a secondary school and a primary school at Okerenkoko and Oporoza in Warri South, Delta State.
According to him, implementation of these projects by the Fund had been particularly challenging owing to difficulties associated with the terrain and community disturbances which have generally slowed the pace of development of the projects.
These were contained in a statement issued by Kalu Otisi, Head, Media and External Relations.
Darma stated this while intensifying his consultations with major stakeholders of the funds intervention programmes in the Niger Delta.
It said in a meeting with King Joshua Igbugburu, the paramount ruler of Bomo Kingdom where Ekowe community is situated, the Executive Secretary solicited his Majesty’s assistance in stemming the youth restiveness which has stunted the development of the Federal Polytechnic Ekowe.
He also wants the paramount ruler to urge his subjects to constitute monitoring groups with a sense of ownership of the projects to ensure their delivery.
He said so far PTDF had awarded a total of 17 contracts for the development of the polytechnic with only six making significant progress.
In a separate meeting with the executive of the Ijaw Youth Council, the Executive Secretary revealed that the organisation’s intention is to set up a world class Polytechnic that will attract international attention to Ekowe in terms of manpower development, training and education.
He therefore sought the support of the youths of the area to ensure that the Polytechnic is fully established this year as planned. According to him, “if the Polytechnic is established, it is the Ijaw youths that will benefit as 98% of enrolment will be from the area”. He said the people of the community also stand to benefit as the Polytechnic will provide employment to academic and non academic staff. Other elements of development, he said will be attracted to the area which will ultimately lead to the growth of southern Ijaw area as a whole, as the coming on stream of the Polytechnic will have a multiplier effect.
Muttaqha therefore urged the leadership of the Ijaw Youth Council to consider these advantages and contribute in providing the enabling environment for the establishment of the Polytechnic as planned.
The PTDF Executive Secretary also announced that the Fund would soon commence the establishment of a centre for training and vocational skills acquisition in oil and gas industry to be located in Portharcourt, where unemployed youths will be trained to acquire skills.
Posted: at 2-04-2009 09:50 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- princesser2love at 2-04-2009 10:10 PM (15 years ago)
i think all of u here ar doing a grate job by badmouthing ur president, if any of u happen to be d president wat can u all do,maybe u need to learn abt wat they called research and planning, cos by then u will understand wat it mean to be a you think the people u ar fighting for ar dump and they could easily be given one kind of lie and believ .sometime i thought education make people see solution but unfortunately some people ar so dump of speaking without thinking.
   maybe u should know that if u ar d president? you may be d president but u dnt run thing alone.assuming all u ar president on ur own pace wat will u as a president do remenber u u ar dealing with thousand of nigeria.
Posted: at 2-04-2009 10:10 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- dinho4lyf at 4-04-2009 04:06 PM (15 years ago)
Ya'radua is trying his best. A tree cannot form a forest, we without d co-orporation of others, he can't do it alone. 
Posted: at 4-04-2009 04:06 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Brasca at 7-04-2009 06:43 AM (15 years ago)
Look guys i have said it before u have a corpse for a leader. i mean was he in his right sense when he gave out 2 of his daugthers as third wives? What do you think he can do as per the niger delta issue? Until those in the power house who are now throwing stones in a glass house are wiped out, yar'adua will remain toothless.
Now the PDP knew what it was doing when it chose Goodluck as yar'adua's running as it was a sort of decoy to make us think they have the Niger delta at heart but, even as a Deputy governor, he was just at the beck and call of the PDP.
Tupac said it in one of his songs that "will there ever be peace", "one healthy mouth but, with no well fare".
Nigerians should be aware that, Yar'adua is not the Leader of the Country but, some coded individuals who decide Nigerian cases in a beer parlour and bring the residue to the waiting public for fairness to make it seem like they are practising democracy.
Now, the militants have switched gear from oil bunkering to kidnapping which used to be of foreign nationals but, now it is those who can pay.
This new means of kidnapping Nigerians who are relatives of top dignitaries is instrumental to them achieving their goal. Let noone get them wrong because, it was the same boys the PDP used in rigging the 1999 election who have turned back at them. ( Is that not a case of nemesis?).
When it comes to the Niger Delta, leave yar'adua out of it as he could not take charge in his home is he now the one to take charge and champion the niger delta course?
Don't quote me wrong but, i feel it is high time illiterates take charge because, we have have both educated and over-educated people who have stirred the ship of this country and have lost focus. To solve the niger-delta struggle, let the government go back to the 1999 niger-delta summit in Abuja and see what went wrong and until people like Edwin Clark are taken out of the picture, I feel it is a case of misplaced priority

Posted: at 7-04-2009 06:43 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
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