C-O-N-F-I-R-M-E-D! Marriage Should Not be For Every One.

Date: 13-11-2013 11:15 am (10 years ago) | Author: Kenny Opeyemi
- at 13-11-2013 11:15 AM (10 years ago)
Marriage Should Not be For Every One.
by Amara Blessing Nwosu.

**stop using crusades as an excuse to ignore your wife/husband and home because God will hold you responsible for her failures and mistakes.

"I don't think marriage should be for everyone. Some married people should have been advised to remain single. I see preachers jump from place to place all in the name of crusades and evangelism.
This has made a good number of our pastors' wives to become promiscuous, going after other men and church assistants and in most cases recently, Lesbianism.

A lot of people condemn John Wesley's wife, but I don't because she was a woman who wanted intimacy with her husband. When Kenneth Haggin went before the Lord to complain about his wife's constant nagging over his ignoring her, the Lord told him that his first ministry is his home.
Benny Hinn's marriage recently ended because of this same problem (thank God they are back together).
The preachers are not the only ones guilty of this; our politicians and top business men are worse. Even working class women are guilty of this.
Women allow spirituality take the place of intimacy in marriage. Are you supposed to ignore your husband just because your pastor or his wife wants to travel with you?

You don't cook for your husband but you go to the market for your pastor and his wife? Your pastor knows everything that happens in your home, even how many times you sleep with your husband. You are of all women, most miserable.
Draw a line between spirituality or do I say, religious devotion, and marriage. Dress to please your husband and never your pastor.
Mr preacher and prayer warrior, please stop using crusades as an excuse to ignore your wife and home because God will hold you responsible for her failures and mistakes." - Hope For Nigeria.

Posted: at 13-11-2013 11:15 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- mchinwendu at 13-11-2013 03:57 PM (10 years ago)
Well stated...thank you very much poster.  So true, we are all accountable for our actions and for the words we say.  If both are Christians then both are to stand firm on God's word.  I would like to add that the youth should not be ignored in their home either.  They are the future generation and need time and attention from their parents.  Nannies, housekeepers, house-help are only help in the house and putting most of the parental responsibilities on the head of these house helpers does not change the account in God's eyes.   Please, make time for your husband, wife, children, family and friends.

As well, since we all have different ministries and special destines in this life, I do not believe that it is meant for everyone to be married.  Paul of the Bible was not married and their are those today who are also called out to remain single. It will be their desire to do so and God will definitely let them know they are on the right path...prayerfully they will listen to Him.
Posted: at 13-11-2013 03:57 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming