Date: 06-05-2013 10:14 pm (11 years ago) | Author: clickvibes
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- tallqueen at 8-05-2013 12:41 PM (11 years ago)
too bad..
Posted: at 8-05-2013 12:41 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- trapheal at 8-05-2013 02:00 PM (11 years ago)
Posted: at 8-05-2013 02:00 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- deboalabi262 at 8-05-2013 02:25 PM (11 years ago)
I see no pic.... Huh?

Posted: at 8-05-2013 02:25 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 8-05-2013 03:23 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: tonychuks84 on  6-05-2013 10:34 PM
na her house them come molested her waiting she find go nite CLUB..
Quote from: Veekey1680 on  6-05-2013 11:04 PM
Anywhere it might, we shd always learn 2 maintain law & order. Anyway assuming she's in her house; it won't happen 2 her.
Quote from: BORN4NAIJA on  8-05-2013 08:34 AM
Quote from: kikelomoola on  7-05-2013 07:58 AM
na weting she want she get weting carry her go club.
Quote from: pertender on  7-05-2013 09:06 AM
that is what she devise so girls be careful ooooooooo

Not surprised all of ya'll (but 1) are men who wrote these comments. There's no EXCUSE whatsoever. You cant make the girl the suspect or fault her by saying things like "she deserved it" "she asked for it" "what is she doing in a night club" "this is what she deserves" for going to the club. She was at a night club and So What! She has the right to go to a night club for night clubs are for everyone to go to and have fun. Is she the first girl to ever go to the club? Is it now wrong for a girl to go to a night club? If girls stopped going to night clubs ,then men will most likely stop going too. Or is there an ALL boys night club so girls will not be welcomed. Even if she was a prostitute, or was wearing a skimpy dress, she (or any girl) does Not deserve to be ra.ped no matter the circumstances nor are they "asking for it". What a big disgrace to Men. esp the ones who made such comments. Nonsense....
Posted: at 8-05-2013 03:23 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 8-05-2013 03:36 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Cazzo-duro on  7-05-2013 04:59 PM
All in the name of FUN,Free Drinks & Flexing, you end up been an experiments as cheap as this!!!! Ladies always remember One man will LOVE you to get married to you some day. Becareful how you leave your today, it may affect you Negatively tomorrow. Be wise in your choice of friends with guys, many are the devil advocates.
You sound like all the other guys that are tryna fault the girl. No matter what, Clubs will always exist and ppl including girls will go there. And what does marriage have to do with this. Many ppl in this world (men & women) married today have gone to clubs in their past. Do all women that go to clubs get ra.ped? No. You don't have to be at a club to get ra.ped. So your comment doesn't justify the fact that ra.pe is still Wrong no matter what. Anyways, I'm most likely talking to someone that also goes to clubs like most male hypocrites here who know they too go to clubs esp. to meet & dance with girls. "Be wise in your choice of friends and guys" part is true though.
Posted: at 8-05-2013 03:36 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 8-05-2013 03:49 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Confirm4real on  7-05-2013 02:59 PM
How many girls learnt a lesson here?
What do you mean "how many girls learnt a lesson here". Cuz she only went clubbing. Even if girls stopped going to Night Clubs past 7pm, Men too wont be interested in going either if there's no girls to talk to or dance with. Unless its of gay men. Same for others faulting her for being out at night. And also, going to a night club with a group of friends doesn't fully protect you from ra.pe either.
How many guys learnt a lesson here? If parents talk to their boys about ra.pe just as much as they talk to their girls, we wont be hearing news like this too often. Geez!
Posted: at 8-05-2013 03:49 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- ajanni at 8-05-2013 03:53 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Jaylen on  7-05-2013 01:14 AM
That bottle of cocacola na d big dick she find go club God help her..
so wicked?
Posted: at 8-05-2013 03:53 PM (11 years ago) | Grande Master
- dlimelite at 8-05-2013 03:54 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Liliya on  7-05-2013 10:42 AM
Poster, you ask why boys are brutal these days? well, i ask :why girls are defecting to Lesbi these days!!? Poor girl, its good to let your family and friends know the man you are hanging out with. just in case......and clubers...... Lips Sealed Lips Sealed ...gal, .RIP
Hope you know when saying "defecting" you mean lack of, or withdrawing. Therefore with youre question, there's nothing wrong in girls "defecting" from Lesbi, unless you're hoping for more girls to be a Lesbi. And even so, WTF does "lesbi" have to do with this matter. Do you even know that she's a lesbian. Even if she was, she doesn't deserved to be raped.
Posted: at 8-05-2013 03:54 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 8-05-2013 03:56 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: otib on  7-05-2013 10:49 AM
Maybe its because she's not even dead. Or where did you read that she died?
Posted: at 8-05-2013 03:56 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 8-05-2013 04:32 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Mobbysmartins on  7-05-2013 11:41 AM
I do not think she is unconscious,if she is drugged and unconscious she will not be able to fold her hands neatly as she did in the picture.Secondly a drugged and unconscious body cannot stay on that little sofa,she should have fallen down at some point before completely losing consciousness.I think this is a deliberate picture.
But did you ask yourself how she got on the sofa. Did she drag herself there? She was later placed on the sofa AFTER being drugged & losing conscious. Either her suspects themselves put her on the sofa and moved her to a position in their own personal interest to do their crime or she was later found and then put on the sofa by authorities after her suspects did their crime. Either way she didn't move any of her body parts herself in her own personal interest. When unconscious the brain is no longer aware of one's surroundings and so the body stops reacting to the world around it. So YES, An unconscious body can stay on the sofa. For the body doesn't have enough power to move as it wants to. Only of she was placed on a chair, then she'll fall down but not on a couch or bed.  So she also didn't fold her hands herself.
Posted: at 8-05-2013 04:32 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 8-05-2013 04:42 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Ecto on  7-05-2013 04:39 AM
[b]Drugged with folded arms?

That does not hold. A careful study of this picture reveals an act of deliberate display. In fact, the lady is not unconscious as the Poster suggests, she is only acting out something probably for self-enticement or for money. There are a million loose Americans who do this and this picture shows one of them![/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b]
Do you not get sense? When you're unconscious you cant move your body in you're own interest. Youre brain doesn't have enough power to send signals for you to be able to move however you like. She was positioned by either her suspect's interest when they were doing the crime or the authorities who later found her. Same reason why she can't & didn't get on that sofa herself. She was placed there. Notice that she's in a position many dead ppl are when placed in a casket same for those who are in a coma in hospitals. Someone moved her body and positioned her.
Posted: at 8-05-2013 04:42 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- ajanni at 8-05-2013 04:43 PM (11 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 8-05-2013 04:43 PM (11 years ago) | Grande Master
- johnstond at 8-05-2013 04:47 PM (11 years ago)
may those that love going out at nite should resist from going to nite club
Posted: at 8-05-2013 04:47 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- dlimelite at 8-05-2013 04:53 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: torrejon_men on  6-05-2013 11:43 PM
Please. Just shut up. What kinda comment is that? If you wanna say that to girls, might as well say the same thing to guys too. Its like youre saying men can go to club, but women should go to Church. Your comment about going to Night Vigil to praise God is good. But when referring it to just girls made your comment bad. As long as there's clubs in this world there'll always be guys and girls going there. Clubs that are made for only men are gay. And you cant excuse the fact that what the/those men did to her was wrong.
Posted: at 8-05-2013 04:53 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 8-05-2013 04:55 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: papadip on  7-05-2013 12:05 AM
As a man you should not be saying something like this…..
In other words you are justifying this barbaric act.....

Same for about 10 other guys in this topic. Men with their mentality are of those that find ra.ping a girl is OK
Posted: at 8-05-2013 04:55 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 8-05-2013 04:56 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: maryclaret on  6-05-2013 11:56 PM
Some people are saying "If she was in her house, it wouldn't have happened," are you people serious??? This is sickening to see...There is no EXCUSE whatsoever...Is she the only that has ever gone to the club before? This is someone's child or sister for goodness' sake. People need to stop thinking through their asses. Ridiculous. I hope whoever did this to this lady does not go unpunished.
Posted: at 8-05-2013 04:56 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- tonychuks84 at 8-05-2013 05:36 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: SWORDMAN on  7-05-2013 08:42 AM
what is wrong in going to a club? atleast she has the right to enjoy freedom..fools who comment without thinking about freedom of movement..come and try this nonesense in europe..our stupid country where they is no security. and law.

there is nothing wrong for going club, but what ever you see you manage it that is all
Posted: at 8-05-2013 05:36 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- southpool16 at 8-05-2013 09:50 PM (11 years ago)
 Huh? Huh? Huh?
Posted: at 8-05-2013 09:50 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ajanni at 9-05-2013 08:06 AM (11 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 9-05-2013 08:06 AM (11 years ago) | Grande Master
- NancyWynegar at 10-05-2013 08:53 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Ecto on  7-05-2013 04:29 AM
There are a million Black American Prostitutes who would pose in pictures like this 4 money and this picture is one  among them.

Poster please watch bad alone, dont post it here under false pretex
I think you are A damn idiot dude NO gurl deserves this

Posted: at 10-05-2013 08:53 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
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