Date: 09-08-2012 8:08 am (11 years ago) | Author: Josiah Omeiza Eniola Gabriel
- at 9-08-2012 08:08 AM (11 years ago)
Giving God thanks is not a suggestion or admonition it is an instruction and a commandment. Psalm 92:1 says that IT IS A GOOD THING TO GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD. If you have not consciously thanked God for that little that He did, don't expect Him to do another. Just by giving God thanks, you provoke multiplication of the little He did. In John chapter 6 Jesus was to feed above 5000 people and there was just a little boy's meal available. Naturally it may not be able to feed an adult, talk-less of 5000 men. But Jesus thanked God for making that little available and it multiplied so much so that the remainder was 12 baskets full. Consciously thank God for one thing today, thank Him for your health, your family, your job, thank Him for the unity in your home and that accident He prevented. Thank Him for that little and it will soon multiply. Be blessed in Jesus name. Thanksgiving is the debt you and I must pay daily.

Posted: at 9-08-2012 08:08 AM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- CammyWhite at 9-08-2012 11:10 AM (11 years ago)
Why must I assume that Yahweh does plays any part in my life?
Posted: at 9-08-2012 11:10 AM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac