014 Namibia.jpg

014 Namibia

Description: Namibia
Name: Paulina Malulu
Age: 24
Height: 175

Paulina is a young woman who strives to live a life of purpose through passion and ambition. Growing up in Windhoek, she has ambitions of obtaining a master’s degree in Somatology before starting her own chain of health spas.

In the past she was a representative for Namibia at the National Youth Council, also speaking at the Youth Forum at the Annual African Union Summit. In her spare time she enjoys a variety of athletic disciplines, she enjoys listening to local home-grown musicians, and she loves eating seafood.

Introduction Video

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYA3V8bu3Rw" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYA3V8bu3Rw</a>


Gender: (m)
Posts: 575

5-09-2013 03:22 AM
I don't see this omen

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